Toasted Soy Butter

So I'm back! Although, I may not post as regularly as I used to. Took a long hiatus because I felt like my posts were getting more and more uninspired. Anyway, in the mean time, I've accumulated a number of interesting finds... we'll start with this product that was supposed to be a peanut butter substitute for those with peanut allergies - soy butter or soynut butter.
Velvety smooth soy butter.The misleading label claims that it tastes like peanut butter! (At least it clearly states "toasted soy butter" though...
I saw this on Walmart's site and was extremely curious about how soy butter tasted, so I purchased it along with a few other interesting spreads, and used ComGateway to ship it to Singapore. With the shipping and all, it wasn't exactly cheap, but probably on par with some of the more exotic nut butters selling in Singapore. Probably in the order of S$10-15 including shipping.

The label loudly proclaims that it tastes just like peanut butter... but it's a bad lie to deceive gullible children to stop them from complaining, or else the marketing people of this brand have a very bad sense of taste - it is so obviously different... 

In fact, I was so surprised to find out that it tasted like kinako butter! On hindsight, it should have been obvious because it is "toasted soy butter" after all, and kinako is toasted soy powder... but I never expected to encounter such a Japanese flavour from something so American (or Canadian).

There was some salt added, and it didn't taste too sweet, so I'd say it was more savoury... and pleasantly so.

Its texture was also extremely velvety smooth and creamy... smoother than almost any peanut butter I'd seen before... so it was a real pleasure to slowly let it melt in my mouth.

I tried it with vanilla ice cream and it was awesome. I'm sure it would go well with the typical desserts like waffles, pancakes, crepes, and perhaps especially Japanese-themed desserts, like warabi mochi with red bean paste, or matcha ice cream with kuromitsu.

Possibly one of my favourite spreads, especially since it is not as sweet as many others. I'll definitely be looking to acquire this again, especially if I can find cheaper options or am already gonna purchase something else from Walmart again.

If you don't live in the US or places where they cater more to peanut allergies, soy butter might be highly unusual to you. If you found this interesting, you can explore more exceptionally unusual food and drinks here!
Note on image editing: This is the first time I've started using GIMP for my posts, because it's free, and my Adobe Photoshop version is really old... still feels kinda foreign, and somehow the saved image seems to look different from what I see in the GIMP window... anyway, it has worked out for now. I'll see how it goes before I delete my Adobe Photoshop programme.
