Large Macarons from the Original Ladurée

This is another treat from France - large macarons from the original Laduree store!
France's Laduree's box designs are similar to those of its branch in Singapore.4 colourful flavours - pistachio, caramel, raspberry and cirtus.
It's hard to see proportions from the picture, but they're different from the small ones you often find in Singapore. Being about 3 inches in diameter, it allows for more cream to be packed in without affecting the proportions. So they give you a truly satisfying amount of heaven in your mouth!

This was the pistachio flavour. Just look at the thick wad of cream filling packed inside!

It had a strong and soothing pistachio taste with some toasted flavour too. The cream had some grainy and nutty texture, which was very pleasant indeed.
The large macarons were filled with a thick wad of cream, like this pistachio-flavoured one.
(Apologies, forgot to take a picture of it whole.)

This was the caramel flavour. It was awesome and had rich flavour, like a macaron version of Werther's Original candy in your mouth. The filling was very smooth and went well with the delicate crust of the macaron. 
Whole caramel macaron.It tasted awesome, like a soft and slightly crispy Werther's Original candy in your mouth!
There was also a coffee flavour, which I didn't think was very noteworthy. I haven't tried the pink and yellow ones, which are raspberry and citrus I think. I'm not fond of those flavours, because they seem very ordinary to me. But I'll post an update if I discover otherwise.

Laduree also sold some chocolates, but I guess they were nothing special? Just posting a picture below for your reference, in case you think they still make a nice gift...
Laduree chocolates. They looked quite ordinary...
