Local French Orange Fruit Cake

More French snacks...

This fruit cake had a very normal-looking packaging...
The individually-wrapped fruit cakes were packaged in a very ordinary manner...
... but you could probably tell that they would be good by the ingredients list:
...but the ingredients list looked good!
Only butter used!

And they were delicious. Little mouthfuls of bliss! Each one was very moist and had a strong buttery flavour indeed.
The cake was awesome too - very moist with a nice buttery flavour.
What impressed me the most was the strong orange fragrance that permeated the petite cake. I don't normally notice such a strong flavour in local fruit cakes, which are more about the liquor, raisins and floury taste.

It's also the first time I have consciously noticed that an orange-rum combination works very well! It is traditionally paired only with raisins... although I once had an awesome thick chocolate rum cake, which convinced me that rum and chocolate was also a good combination.
The orange and rum flavours also permeated the cake.
The rum was also strong, and I could feel the warmth of the liquor spreading down my throat.

Apparently, this was bought at some small shop near a rest stop along the coach journey. Pretty impressive for "convenience store" style shopping eh?
