Have a Warm & Fluffy Oriental Christmas...

... with a steamed matcha cake! I suppose there'd be nothing unusual about that alone, but I thought this one was interesting because it was more like a steamed matcha egg cake. Y'know, like a matcha variant of the typical Malay steamed egg cake? At least, it tasted like that one with a matcha overlay.
Steamed matcha cake... I'm sure it has egg in it.
The egg flavour went very interestingly with the matcha flavour... it blended quite well, I think because there's an ammonium taste in egg that's vaguely bitter, or at least somewhat dark, and the matcha is bitter too. That bridged the matcha with the flour very nicely.
You can see how fluffy it is when it's broken open.
It's from the same bakery as the one that made the steamed milk cake. No surprise there... both were excellently fluffy and so tempting to jump into!

I had this with some Moroccan mint tea... went quite well, in my opinion, especially with the colour and the season. ^_^

I've missed posting for a number of days. I think I'll just forget trying to meet the one-a-day standard and just post when I feel like it. I still hold off some posts because I try to keep the food I blog about varied... like not too many Japanese-themed items at one shot, for instance, or not too many snacks from the same trip. Maybe I'll eventually drop that standard too. =P

Found this cake interesting? Check out more unusual cakes here!
