Thai Corn Puff Snack

A friend returned from Thailand with this... it's a kind of Thai corn puff snack. At least, I think that's what it is - I couldn't read the Thai. If anyone can, the website is here.
It was packaged in a very presentable manner, similar to Japanese snack gift packs.Each "cake" comprised many smaller puffs, which were quite fluffy.
As you can see, it's kind of like many small corn puff thingies melded together with some syrupy agent. And there were random raisins in between... some packets didn't have a single raisin at all, so it was really quite haphazard.

The puff had a very eggy type of corn flavour... I really don't know how to describe it... not sure if they actually used eggs, or whether it was how they processed the corn. It wasn't very sweet, which was nice. And that's where the random raisin contributed some sweetness to enhance the overall experience.

The raisin-corn combination was also interesting. The eggy corn flavour with the winey-grape raisin flavour is something I'd not tried before... somewhat like a fruity + dark grainy combo. Quite good, actually.

Texture-wise, it was somewhat soft and cakey... although the puff bits were probably once crispy, they were now more just fluffy with a slight firmness to it, which gave some resistance when I bit into it, yet kept the whole snack light and airy.

Overall, it can be quite addictive in the comfort food way... mild eggy-corn flavour without being too sweet, and the occasional raisin thrown in.

Very well done in my opinion! Even the packaging was very presentable! Like Japanese snack gift boxes.
