I discovered a new cheese during a festive buffet for the Christmas season! Scamorza... Never even heard of it before this. This was back in 2022, at Melt the World Cafe. It is now called Embu, but it seems to be the same concept and management as the 2023 festive buffet felt very similar. No more scamorza cheese then though. T_T
It was an Italian cheese like mozzarella, soft but more spongy. Smooth too. But unlike mozzarella which is rather bland, this one was savoury as it had a smoked flavor. As mentioned in the post on shoyu ice cream, fermented, cured or otherwise-processed complex flavours seem to go well with salt and cream or milk, and I think scamorza demonstrates this very well. Think smoked salmon and cream cheese... A winning combination along similar gastronomic lines.
Apparently it can be substituted for mozzarella, and for any savoury dish that might be a better choice than mozzarella. A gourmet and classy twist that the mass palate and even kids would enjoy!
In any case, I loved this so much that I pretty much finished one whole ball I think! Ahaha.
If you are interested in less commonly-found cheeses, check out these posts on boucheron and madrigal cheeses, Brie de Meaux and Pont-l'Évêque cheeses, and comté and Iberico cheeses.
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