Cheap Trick to Tasty Fries - Peanut Oil Fries by Five Guys beats truffle fries in value

I've always wondered about the value proposition of truffle fries... especially because most restaurants charge a relatively high price for them. One would expect the fries to be permeated with a rich truffle flavour... which if so, would totally justify the price. But usually, I have to strain to imagine that I can taste the truffle oil in it, probably because truffle oil is too expensive for them to use it in any effective amount. So I've never found it to be worth the price I pay.

And this sentiment was only reinforced when I visited Five Guys in the US. The chain has apparently received great acclaim in the US, and they do not hesitate to brag about it on their walls in place of the usual decoration or posters of food.
Five Guys is a renown burger chain in the US.Their decor is a minimalist, spartan style. Maybe they just don't need complicated marketing to sell food of their quality.
So what's so special with their fries? They're fried in peanut oil. And the whole eatery seemed to have a peanut theme to it... from the moment you enter, you are greeted with literally stacks of sacks of peanuts like these.
Stacks of sacks of peanuts line many walls and partitions in the eatery.
And they also invite you to have a free flow of peanuts, whether as an appetiser while waiting for your order, an accompaniment to the fries, or as dessert.

So how were the peanut oil fries? In short, awesome. Not only were they affordable and great value for the amount we were served, but everything else about them were really good. Yes, the picture below was a "small" serving. My family couldn't even finish it.
They served a good amount for a cheap "small" sized fries.
Five Guys does their fries fresh cut. It means they cut the potatoes right in the restaurants, usually not too long before you place your order.

Texture-wise, it was good, like the usual standard for fries well done... I don't think this is difficult, so this didn't particularly impress me.

What I felt was memorable was that the peanut oil gave the fries a very, well, nutty flavour. And while it is inevitably a different flavour from truffle, I think it is just as legit a flavour, and one that could easily take the place of truffles (unless it is a matter of arbitrary preference or an allergy).
Peanut fries have a wonderful nutty flavour.
What's better, peanut oil is cheap! It's just so much better *value* compared to truffle fries.

And I suppose my sentiments are not without justification, as Five Guys' accolades would attest to.

So my personal disposition is to say, away with truffle fries and their marketing-inflated price... and let's not underestimate the humble peanut. 
