Earl Grey Latte in a Bun by Johan Paris Bakery

I was attracted to this by the relatively high density of black specks, which indicated to me a strong earl grey flavouring. And indeed it did not disappoint.

Earl Grey White Chocolate Bun
Twin butt cheeks, cheekily tempting you to bite into them. XDThe dough was generously speckled with fine earl grey tea leaf bits.
It had a rich earl grey flavour.

But its merits don't stop there. I was also intrigued by it because of the white chocolate bits mixed in. And after my first mouthful, I understood the intended effect - the sweet and creamy white chocolate mixed with the earl grey flavour was really reminiscent of a creamy earl grey tea latte! I thought it ingenious how they achieved that effect in a bun!

The final thing that caught my attention was its shape. Although, I must say, I noticed it only after taking a picture of it. I can't help but think that it looks like a nice and plump rump. So tempting to poke at. 

I bought this from Johan @ Westgate, Singapore.
