Yuckiest Crackers Ever!

Double post today to make up for missing one yesterday! Was busy with some work...

This time, something I didn't like though...  This was from Japan as well.

Japanese Yuzu Pepper Rice Crackers
It came in a large packet.Yuzu pepper rice crackers.
Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit that is strong on the citrus peel flavour, especially the bitter part.

I decided to try this as I had never tasted any combination of the three main flavours before - yuzu, pepper and shoyu (Japanese soy sauce).

However, I must say it turned out to be quite gross... the pepper taste was too strong. The shoyu and yuzu flavours clashed and made no sense whatsoever. It was essentially a salty + bitter +spicy combination. =P Overall, it was like three individual and clashing hollow tastes that didn't blend or complement each other.

It was so bad I couldn't get past the first cracker... I daresay it's the worst cracker I've tried. And that's quite a feat given that crackers are usually standard and addictive if nothing else. We may have given the rest of it away. No idea what happened to it.

A rare instance of Japanese flopping at matching flavours indeed!
