A Loaf of Milk Tea

I visited The Assembly Ground @ The Cathay, Singapore recently because I had a Sugar App voucher for the matcha latte for just $2.60. They had some interesting cakes so I thought I'd try the one that I'd not seen before - Thai milk tea loaf. Just the name sounds amazing huh... like milk tea you can bounce on. XD
Thai milk tea loaf - with a very milk condensed milk icing.
One of the highlights in my opinion was the icing. It was like a condensed milk icing - very very milky, but also very sweet. I would have preferred it less sweet, but the milkiness made up for it. I thought it was a very good idea because condensed milk is so authentic to the Southeast Asian region and it was nice experiencing this childhood favourite in an icing. And as you can see in the picture, they were quite generous with it. 

The crumbly stuff in the middle tasted like Digestives crumbles.
The cake was smooth and moist, yet crunchy on the sides. But I had trouble discerning the tea flavour.
The cake itself was good in that it was very moist and dense, and the sides were baked will until they were slightly crunchy. So it was excellent in its execution and kept well after baking.

I also liked that both the cake and icing had this overall reddish hue, true to the redness of Thai tea.

But it was lacking in tea flavour, which was a stark contrast to the ultra milky (and sweet) icing. There may have been a mild tea flavour if I used a little imagination, but I couldn't be sure. You can see in the picture that they put a number of tea leaves in... but somehow even those didn't bring out the tea flavour. I think I could even taste a milkiness in the cake... so it was probably milkiness overload with the icing. Awesome if you're a milk fan, but kinda disappointing to those who were drawn in by the promise of tea. Maybe they could have made the icing more tea-flavoured or something...

In short, interesting idea with good execution, but needs just that bit more work on the flavour!
Well, cake review aside, the cafe was a very pleasant place to hangout in the afternoon... nice, chill atmosphere with few patrons. The lighting was a bit dark though, with its sporadic incandescent lamps. I had to edit those images like crazy and I'm still not satisfied with them.

They also seem to upkeep high quality standards... the cake was done well other than that small point about the flavour. And their matcha latte was awesome! Much stronger matcha flavour than Starbucks, and less sweet, which I like. They even made it a point to include the pretty latte art like they promised in the promotional picture! So kudos for that.
They had really good matcha latte and maintained the quality of their latte art.
I'd recommend this cafe anytime, and will head there again to try out other cake flavours if I'm in the area seeking a hangout place.

Found this cake interesting? Check out more unusual cakes here!
