Mel-lem-on... or Lem-mel-on Tea?

I saw this on MOS Burger's menu, and thought that it was an elegantly simple, yet innovative combination - rock melon iced tea. It was more of a lemon melon tea, or melon lemon tea... or maybe you could say "mel-lem-on" or "lem-mel-on" ehehe. Anyway, I'd heard of peach, apple, berry and strawberry iced teas before, but this was the first time I'd heard of such a combination with rock melon.
MOS Burger's rock melon iced tea with actual chunks of rock melon and a slice of lemon.MOS Burger's promotional poster.
And it was a good idea! The musky melon fragrance wasn't too intense, but it went well with the slightly bitter tea! I saw them using some kind of syrup or concentrate... I suspect it was melon syrup, although overall the drink was not too sweet.

There was also the tartness of a splash of lemon juice - a zest which balanced out the soothing and comforting melon.

They also added in four round chunks of rock melon, which were sweet and flavourful, and a slice of lemon, so these added a welcome natural touch to the concoction.

Verdict: a well-matched and refreshing combination; I think it beats all the other types of fruit-tea combination so far! I'd definitely think of this if I was looking for a thirst quencher. 

Or, if you wanted to get creative, invert the formula - serve a bowlful of rock melon balls soaked in red tea with ice as a newfangled dessert. Since you could probably cut down on the sugar due to the rock melon's natural sweetness, it would be a natural, healthy and refreshing treat! 

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