Layers of Hari Raya Goodness

I'm a little late as Hari Raya Puasa was officially yesterday. But oh well, it took me a while to get down to trying this cake. It's called kueh lapis in Malay/Indonesian, which is literally "layered cake". The original flavour is actually a plain eggy vanilla-pandan cake base with some cinnamon added, and it's possibly one of my favourite cakes(alongside pandan, matcha and chocolate flavours). So I was really excited when my mom received these goodies from her Malay friend. 
Green kueh lapis with cookies and cream layers.
Primarily, I was intrigued by the black layers, which looked like an oily bean paste in texture. I couldn't tell for sure, but after trying a number of slices, I think the green one is cookies and cream. There were these thin white layers of creamy icing between the dark brown oreo-looking layers and the rest of the cake (you can see a slightly powdery white layer in the picture). I'm not sure if the green colour was meant to be pandan, but I couldn't quite taste any pandan flavour.
Pink kueh lapis - probably strawberry - with layers of milk and dark chocolate fudge.
The pink one tasted a little fruity like strawberry... or possibly raspberry - basically floral and fruity, but very mild. The two darker layers were chocolate. The lighter one on top was milk chocolate... I think it was a fudge as it was kinda gooey even when the cake was just removed from the fridge. Naturally, the darker layer below was dark chocolate - once again, probably fudge.

I found these very interesting... who would have thought that the traditional kueh lapis would be reinvented into a cookies and cream layered cake, or a strawberry chocolate layered cake?

Anyway, here's wishing all Muslims a happy Hari Raya Puasa!

Found this cake interesting? Check out more unusual cakes here!
