Doubly Eggy - Golden Lava Egg Tart by Toast Box

This is the second salted egg custard product that I've bought from Toast Box, also at Shaw Centre. Earlier, I blogged about their golden lava bun.

This time, it's an egg tart with yet another filling besides the egg mixture. This is salted egg custard egg tart - double the egg!
It looked like a normal egg tart on the surface...
The salted egg filling is buried inside, which is that dark orange layer you see in the picture.
...but within was a golden treasure!
It was a really good combination! The sharp and salty egg filling gave that extra punch to the creamy but relatively bland normal egg filling.

What particularly impressed me, however, was the tart pastry. It tasted like the typical perfect crumble pastry! Like those crunchy buttery bits you find sprinkled on top of fruit crumbles.

Taste-wise, it was full of buttery flavour. Well, they may have used margarine or shortening as well, but I think they definitely put a lot of butter in.

It also had the fine crunch that typical good crumbles have... I think it comes with using some coarser grains of sugar.

All in all, an impressive snack, and great quality for the price. I think it was about $2? Can't remember heh.

Found this puff interesting? Check out more unusual pastries here!
