Rose Sun Cake by Ru Yi Tang

This is a continuation of a series on interestingly-flavoured sun cakes by Ru Yi Tang (如邑堂) in Taiwan. I reviewed one on tie guan yin in an earlier post, and this one will be on the rose flavoured one.

Rose-flavoured sun cake with wrapperBroken rose sun cake to show filling in the middle

Once again, like for the tie guan yin one, the pastry and filling were representative of the flavour - a very rosy pink in this case, although I don't know how much of that was natural or added. The filling is a bit hard to see in the image because it's a thin layer and covered by a lot of the flaky pastry falling over it, but there are little glimmers of rose-coloured shine in the picture right in the middle that you might catch. 

The rose fragrance was very strong in the filling, and it had a sweet and very slightly sour taste, perhaps reminiscent of cherry. Also, there seemed to be vegetable-like bits in the filling that you could chew, probably cooked rose petals, which provided a very nice touch to it. Overall a very pleasant experience, if not for the use of shortening.

Related Interesting Food

Found this pastry interesting? Check out the other sun cake flavours, such as tie guan yin sun cake and honey and cheese sun cakes! These are all from Ru Yi Tang.

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