Drifting Snowflake Jasmine Green Tea Chocolate by Fossa

This is the second in a tea chocolate series by Fossa. The first was on chrysanthemum tea chocolate. Today's is on the jasmine tea one. 

Fossa jasmine green tea chocolate
I have no idea why it's called "drifting snowflakes", but I can easily imagine it being a literal translation from the usual fancy Chinese names to make food sound fit for imperial palaces. 

Nonetheless, in this case, I thought that the refreshing connotation of "snowflakes" might be vaguely warranted, because the jasmine had a very fresh, grassy fragrance, and although I did not notice the chocolate being particularly sweeter than the other tea chocolates in the series, the fresh grassy fragrance made this one seem lighter, more refreshing and almost sweeter, like dew on grass.

Out of the tea chocolate series, it's the one I could imagine eating a lot of, for pure pleasure rather than just discovery, so I'm most likely to buy this again out of the three.
