Paint You Can Eat! Chocolate Paint

I've stumbled upon another palatable palette!!! This time, it's chocolate paint. It appears to be cocoa butter mixtures of varied colours, with colours in similar parts of the spectrum having the same flavour. For instance, peppermint would be for the blues, strawberry for the reds, grape for the purples, and so on. The other flavours are passion fruit, natural orange, green mango, dulche de leche, and smoked.
Bottles of paint covering a large spectrum of colours.
It is solid at room temperature, but melts into a liquid that you can paint with.

Naturally, it can be used to create typical chocolate art like this...
Typical looking decorative chocolate art.
BUT it's also versatile enough to create art like this abstract piece on a canvas. The only problem I guess would be that you can't eat the canvas, and the sugar will probably eventually decompose unless you coat it with some preserving agent. I'm not sure if the normal art resins would work...
Canvas painting using chocolate paint.
Ready made art pieces were also on sale, like these chocolate tablets on the left and these pieces set in frame-like boxes on the right.
Slabs of chocolate tablets - pre-made chocolate art in abstract styles.Other chocolate art in frame-like boxes.
A Gustatory Experiment

I thought this was an amazing idea because the flavours also mix as you combine the colours. I would so like to try say pinks and greys for a dusty pink look, and see what smoked strawberry tastes like. Or say paint a denim blue dress with tan accessories... I believe that would be peppermint dulche de leche.  

To be honest, I can't wait until they come up with more funky flavours too... y'know, like Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans in Harry Potter? Or... maybe bar the gross flavours like earwax. I guess Japanese-style creativity in flavours would do. Like y'know, chilli chocolate paint, or sweet potato chocolate paint. Or maybe wasabi, cheese, spinach or hojicha chocolate paint. It'd be a food laboratory idea that would make mad food scientists go wild!

Sharing the Joy

These would of course make wonderful and creative gifts, not to mention personalised ones if you buy the individual bottles of paint and make your own art. But I thought a better idea would be to buy one bottle each of at least one major colour (eight bottles if you get one flavour each), then make a chocolate art station at a party. It would be a really unique experience for your guests!

Recyclable Art

If you absolutely love painting but have no place to store all your canvases or art pieces, then make chocolate art like this! If you don't like your piece, you can always eat it and have a psychedelic gustatory experience! And if you've had too much to eat, give it away as a gift - it just won't go to waste.

Or maybe you just like to change the art in your home every now and then, but feel that it's too expensive for actual art pieces... once again, chocolate paint to the rescue!!!
So yeah, I got super excited because this is a very literal fusion of the concepts of fine visual arts and food, and I'm sure will be a gateway to so many new lifestyle concepts.

Cost-wise, it's just $15 per paint bottle. Very reasonable in my opinion - about the same price as premium jams. And I think normal paint is probably expensive too anyway, despite not being recyclable or edible.

What's more, it originated right here in Singapore!!! So proud of my country. ^____^ These are all available at a pop-up store by Janice Wong in ION Orchard, Singapore until 14 Feb 2015. Hurry down to catch them before they close!

Note: Apologies for the terrible pictures. I was trying out different settings on my camera. It's a disaster in my opinion, but for some reason the terrible image effects weren't easily visible on my phone's screen. 

Found this chocolate interesting? Check out other unusual chocolates hereAlso, if you don't live in the gourmet circles where they mix art and food, chocolate paint might be highly unusual to you. If you found this interesting, you can explore more exceptionally unusual food and drinks here!
