Ruskology 202 - Gouter de Roi Chocolate-coated Rusk by Gateau Festa Harada

Now we go back to Gateau Festa Harada for their chocolate-coated rusks! They have a few varieties, including seasonal ones. But today we shall look at their standard ones that are usually available all year round, if I'm not wrong.

The one in purple and gold packaging is Gateau Rusk Gouter de Roi Premium - their milk chocolate-coated rusk. I absolutely loved the purple and gold colour combination... a very royal but also flashy effect indeed!

The one in French colours is their white chocolate-coated rusk.
Premier and White Chocolate Rusk boxes.Each piece of chocolate-coated rusk came individually-wrapped.
Milk Chocolate Rusk
The gold dust sprinkled on the milk chocolate coating made it look very classy indeed!The milk chocolate coated the entire piece of classic butter-sugar rusk.
This variant was an absolute delight! First off, the milk chocolate was of good quality.

Next, I had expected it to be just plain bread rusk with chocolate coating... but it was even better - they used the standard butter-sugar rusk underneath the chocolate! So under the chocolate coating, there was this buttery and savoury effect, along with the crunchy granular sugar sprinkled over the rusk bread. The rich milk chocolate with the butter-sugar-salt combination was pure heaven indeed!

The gold dust sprinkled over the chocolate was also really pretty and classy.

Pardon the cracked chocolate coating and the little blotches on the coating's surface - this went through air transit and was kept in our refrigerator for a number of weeks... totally not the manufacturer's fault!

I would give this a clear 10/10 score!

White Chocolate Rusk

This one was far less impressive from the outset... visually, the colours just don't contrast as nicely as the milk chocolate one. Furthermore, the bottom of the rusk wasn't coated in milk chocolate.
The white chocolate version looked rather plain.The white chocolate only coated the top and sides of the piece of rusk.
The good thing about it was that the pure white look was very clean and attractive in that sense... and the white chocolate itself was of high quality. And like the milk chocolate version, they also used the butter-sugar savoury rusk under the white chocolate coating.

However, the white chocolate didn't complement the butter-sugar taste so well... the butter and sugar were masked by the white chocolate, because their flavours were too similar I think. So it just felt like a crunchy white chocolate snack, without much depth or fullness to its taste.

I'd probably say this one was about a 7/10.

Still, both flavours are premier stuff and worth trying! So if you drop by Osaka or any Gateau Festa Harada branch, I'd still recommend you get some to try!

Other related food

If you found this interesting, check out these other posts in the rusk series:
Other Gateau Festa Harada treats are reviewed here:
